NYRA Academy Pte Ltd

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Student Feedback Channel

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NYRA Academy

Student Feedback Channel

General Principles

Our main priority is our students, and we strive to provide them with the best possible outcome. We value and expect mutual respect and courtesy between all parties involved, including students and staff.

It is important to listen to and respect the opinions of everyone involved and recognize that each person has rights. Confidentiality should be maintained to respect the privacy of individuals. In case of disputes or disagreements, communication is essential to find a solution.

Sharing your concerns

Effective communication is crucial to ensuring the well-being, achievement, and success of our students, and we prioritize open communication channels between our school, students.

We are committed to keeping students informed of both general school information and specific matters related to their children, including academic progress, curriculum, pastoral care, discipline, assessment, and social development. It is equally important that students bring any concerns to our attention as soon as possible. There are many ways to share early concerns, such as:

  • Speak directly to the class teacher, form tutor or subject teacher

  • Share the problem with the student service staff

  • Speak with a head of department

For more serious concerns, students should ask for an appointment with our School Staff.

Student Grievance and Dispute Resolution

Nyra Academy ensures all feedback and complaints from public, staff or students are taken seriously with each of the feedback and complaints reviewed, and appropriate action taken to improve processes, practices and services. Focus Education approaches student/learner feedback and grievances according to the following procedure:

  1. Informal management of feedback (minor problem) will be attempted within two days it received before escalation to Written Grievance (major problem).
  2. Student/Learner feedback / grievances will be addressed at the source of student dissatisfaction.
  3. Written grievances or major issues will be resolved within 14 working days from the day the feedback / grievance was received.
  4. All feedback / complaints are recorded in Feedback / Complaint Resolution Form.
  5. Students/Learners are assured that they will not suffer any form of discrimination as a result of making a complaint.
  6. Feedback / Grievance channels (including request for interview, Evaluation Forms, verbal and written complaints and the support available to students to make sure the fulfillment of the grievance resolution process.

As a constant effort towards improving our products and services, Nyra Academy welcomes feedback from students. You may write to info@@nyra.edu.sg. We will conduct an investigation and take action to address the issues of concern, either promptly or within 7 business days, depending on the level of complexity of the matter.

Useful links Third-party organizations for mediation:

To improve students’ confidence in Singapore’s education system, Nyra Academy will adhere to CPE’s guidelines by implementing a standard Private Education Institution (PEI)-Student Contract with our students. This contract’s terms and conditions will be based on the standard template provided by CPE and will govern the relationship between the student and our academy.